France, Circa 1560 - 1580
Having a back of fifteen panels, including a top row of five panels, each carved with guilloche arcade on fluted pillars, atop a gadrooned and punch-decorated carved frieze, raised on Corinthian capital bulbous end-columns, centred by small cupboard, enclosed by a female Romayne-type portrait panel carved boarded door, and with twin-panelled sides, flanked by Corinthian capital stop-fluted pilasters, and an open recess, a tall open boarded undertier below, enclosed by addorsed baluster-turned end columns, with raised nulled-carved base rail.
This rather fine, Renaissance joined oak buffet designed for the primary function of display and would of been predominantly located in the great hall. The decorative themes incorporated draw inspiration from the high Renaissance motifs and designs of the period. All of which, were eminiating out from Italy and demonstrate the increased exchange of trade, artists and ideas between Flanders, Italy, Britain and France at the end of the 15th, beginning of the 16th century.
Ex. Blumka Gallery, New York & by repute formerly part of the collection of Dr. Albert Figdor.